Youth Faith Formation

Youth Faith Formation

St. Timothy Youth Faith Formation

Registration is now open for our 2024-2025 three-year-old through eighth grade Religious Education classes. Our start day for this year is Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 10:15 AM. Classes are held in various locations in the Parish Hall and sometimes in the Parish Office. A confirmation of registration email will be sent after registration. Please see the link to the registration form below.Classes are free.

Students and their families are encouraged to attend the 9:00AM Children’s
Mass prior to classes on Sunday mornings. 
Youth volunteers (grades 9-12) are always welcome
. Please see the link to the volunteer form below.

Adult volunteers are always needed. Please see the link to the volunteer form below.

The St. Timothy Faith Formation program has an open enrollment policy for regular program participation in
grades Early Childhood Three-Year-Old through 8th Grades.

Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion (2nd Grade)

  • Placement in all Sacrament Preparation programs are based on criteria in accordance with diocesan guidelines.
  • Parents of children wishing to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion must provide proof their child has completed a minimum of one year’s formal religious education before registering for the program (a minimum of two years of sacramental prep is required to receive the sacraments).
  • If a child is preparing for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion a copy of their Baptismal Certificate must be provided at the time of registration of the sacramental program.
  • The sacramental preparation classes are held on several Sundays at 12:00 PM with First Reconciliation held in January and First Holy Communion in May.
  • Children, age 7 and older, who are not baptized and/or catechized must participate in the Becoming Catholic Program. In order to receive the sacrament of baptism before he/she may receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
  • Families of candidates for the sacraments must actively participate in the Sunday Mass.
  • Faithful attendance of formation class is expected for all scheduled sessions. Consistent absence may result in postponing the reception of a sacrament. A courtesy notice of an absence must be made to the Catechist or the Director of Faith Formation.
  • Parents are required to attend a scheduled preparation meeting.

Sacrament of Confirmation (8th Grade)

  • Placement in all Sacrament Preparation programs are based on criteria in accordance with diocesan guidelines.
  • Parents of children wishing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation must provide proof their child has completed a minimum of one year’s formal religious education before registering for the program (a minimum of two years of sacramental prep is required to receive the sacraments).
  • If a child is preparing for Confirmation, a copy of their Baptismal Certificate and their First Holy Communion Certificate must be provided at the time of registration of the sacramental program.
  • The sacramental preparation classes are held on several Sundays at 12:00 PM with Confirmation on March 23, 2024 at 11:00AM. There will be a mandatory rehearsal for the Confirmantes and their sponsors the evening before.
  • Families of Confirmation candidates must actively participate in Sunday Mass.
  • Confirmantes are expected to complete several activities and community service projects as part of Confirmation Preparation. Additional information will be given following registration.
  • Faithful attendance is expected for the scheduled sessions. Poor attendance at Mass or class may result in postponing the reception of a sacrament. A courtesy notice must be made to the Catechist or the Director of Religious Education.
  • A parent or sponsor will be required to complete a mandatory instruction to explain their respective roles.
  • Candidates are required to select a sponsor who is a practicing Catholic, fully initiated, who can attend and participate in the formation of the candidate. If the sponsor is from a parish other than St. Timothy, they must complete the eligibility forms and receive approval from their pastor for their sponsoring role. Written guidelines will be provided to parents, who will then present them to their child's sponsor.
  • Contact the Church Office for information on Confirmation of adults and teens 9th Grade and up.

Please contact the Director of Faith Formation, Nikki Timmons, with any questions you may have.


All forms and required documents should be submitted to Nikki Timmons via the Church Office, or email at

Registration Youth Volunteer Adult Volunteer
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