Liturgical Life

Liturgical Life

Ministries categorized under Liturgical Life require a response from a lay person to utilize the gifts with which the Holy Spirit empowered them. While reviewing the Ministries listed to the right (which is still under construction), pray over each. If you feel called to a Liturgical Life Ministry, please come in to discuss this call with the Director of Volunteers who will assist you in becoming involved in a specific Ministry.

Those stepping forward to serve will be trained so they know what is expected to fulfill service in a Liturgical Ministry during Mass.

Altar Care/Worship Environment

This area is Under Construction. If you have an interest in Altar Care/Worship Environment, please call the Director of Volunteers at (352) 753-0989

Altar Linens

Volunteers who assist with Altar Linens take on the responsibility of washing and ironing the various linens used in the Church. Contact the Director of Volunteers at (352) 753-0989 if you're interested in being involved in this necessary task.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist the priest in the holiest of rites, the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Jesus first celebrated this rite at the last supper and we continue it today. The Altar Server is a lay person who represents the entire congregation in the parish worship.
Traditionally, young boys have been servers since the early centuries. Since Vatican II, girls also have been allowed to serve on the altar. This ministry helps young people gain a better understanding and appreciation for their faith.

Because of the unique make up of our Parish, adults have the opportunity to express their devotion to Christ by serving on our altar. Adult Altar Servers assist the priest at the celebration of daily Masses, weekend Masses, Funerals and other Liturgical services during the year.

Servers usually serve three to four days a month. The schedule can be adapted to individual availability. No previous experience is necessary as training is available. Those who serve find that they gain a richer understanding of the Mass and increased devotion to the Holy Eucharist. It is a beautiful way to truly be a servant of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

I invite you to take some time to think about becoming a part of this beautiful ministry. If you happen to have any questions please give the Parish Office a call.

Choir, Cantors and Handbell Choir

St. Timothy Choir

The St. Timothy Choir is made up of a very dedicated group of 130 men and women from all over the world now living in the unique retirement community, known as The Villages, located in Lady Lake FL. For the past fifteen years, the choir has been under the direction of Maestro Bill Doherty, who is also the General Director of the Central Florida Lyric Opera Company and the Villages Lyric Opera and Orchestra. Throughout the course of a year, St. Timothy's Choir sings at the 9:00 AM Mass every Sunday and on other special occasions at the Church. They hold as many as six formal concerts each year for the Parish and have also sung for both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis at the Vatican in Rome. They have traveled to Jerusalem to perform the world-premiere of Maestro Bill Doherty’s “Messa di Requiem” and have sung for concerts and liturgies various other Churches and performance halls throughout Florida. New choir members are welcomed every Wednesday at 3:00 PM in the church.


St. Timothy Music Ministry has a very active Cantor program with over 30 cantors. Those wishing to become a Cantor should first join the Choir and may sign up for the Cantor Ministry at the Choir rehearsal every Wednesday at 3:00 PM or by contacting the Director of Music, Bill Doherty at the Church.

Handbell Choir

The handbell choir is a small group of 14-15 people, dedicated to playing our 3-octaves of Malmark handbells and chimes. The group rehearses on Wednesdays at 12:30 and rings at one Mass each month on a rotating basis. Ringers are responsible for 3 bells and 3 chimes each and are expected to practice on their own, in addition to weekly rehearsals. We perform at other occasions during the year, including The Villages annual Christmas Parade in December.

Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are lay persons selected by the pastor upon prayerful consideration of the needs of the community and the qualifications of the individual. They are commissioned for service to a particular community for which they are graced with the opportunity to assist the Priest in sharing Christ’s Body and Blood with others. They recognize Christ in the faces of all who approach. They are privileged to proclaim each person as a member of the Mystical Body by saying the words “The Body of Christ” or “The Blood of Christ.” Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion profess the faith of the Church and ask for affirmation in the assembly’s “Amen.”

Preparation for the ministry includes:

•Formal instruction through the Diocesan Office of Liturgy (approximately 3 Hours)
•Parish instruction as to local customs and responsibilities (approximately 2 Hours)

Interested in volunteering to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion?

We do have annual meetings, and your commitment for each Mass would require you to be available one half hour before Mass. You may volunteer for as many or few Masses as fits your schedule. You can be a full time resident or a snow-bird. This Ministry enables to you to fulfill the participant in the Liturgy.


Readers serve in an extremely visible ministry when they proclaim the Word at every daily and weekend Mass. Readers help us to hear the Word clearly and distinctly. Initial training is provided by the ministry coordinator and can take up to one and a half hours. Comfort at public speaking and a desire to learn more about Scripture is helpful. The impact of God's message depends significantly on preparation, delivery and the conviction of the Reader.

Interested in volunteering for the Readers Ministry? A readers schedule is developed every month, based on your availability. You may choose to participate in a weekend Mass or a weekday Mass. You can be a full time resident or a snow-bird, if you are here for four to five months. This ministry is a great fit for husband and wife teams. If you are not afraid of speaking in front of large crowds and have a love of Scripture, consider becoming a Reader.


The Sacristan Ministry is one of the most important ministries of the church. The Sacristan is involved in every church Liturgy, including Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals and any other Liturgical celebrations. The Sacristan, who is also an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, is responsible for preparing the Sacred Vessels (cruets, chalice, ciborium, paten, altar linens and Holy Oils) and unconsecrated elements prior to the celebration of the Mass and purifying the Sacred Vessels upon completion of the Mass as well as preparing the Altar and credence tables with all the necessary items for the Eucharist celebration.

An apprenticeship with an experienced sacristan and basic knowledge of liturgy and the vessels used is required. The Sacristan must be able to dedicate two hours per week for Sunday liturgies and additional time for funerals and weddings.

Interested in volunteering for the Sacristan Ministry? Our Sacristan schedule is developed on a weekly basis, and you may volunteer to serve for any Mass on Saturday, Sunday, weekdays, Funerals, Weddings or Baptisms. Training for all functions is provided. You can be a full time resident, a snow-bird, or even a husband and wife team.


Ushers assist with seating, conduct collections, and provide other help to parishioners at Masses and Parish events. If you have an interest in in becoming an Usher, please call the Director of Volunteers at

(352) 753-0989

Special Programs

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