Parish Life

Parish Life

AA & Alanon

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Ancient Order of Hibernians

Are you Irish-born or of Irish descent? Are you an active Roman Catholic? If you can answer yes to both of these questions you should join the Ancient Order of Hibernians. This fraternal and service organization can trace its roots 400 years back to Ireland. Help us defend the faith and clergy and educate the public on the tremendous contributions of those of Irish heritage in building these United States of America. Join our charitable efforts. AOH brothers with current dues cards from other parts of the nation are always welcome to attend our local division monthly meetings held on the second Thursday of each month at 2:00 PM in Rooms 1 & 2 of the Ministry Building. A social hour follows the meeting.

Cancer Support Group

Cancer Support Group meets the First Wednesday of the Month in Room 3 of the Ministry Building. This is a non-denominational group, all Cancer patients, survivors, caregivers and friends are welcome.

Deaf Ministry

The Deaf Ministry includes all aspects of worship for Roman Catholic adults including:
The weekly Mass translated from English to American Sign Language thereby providing equal access to our deaf parishioners. The Sacraments, such as baptism, confirmation, sacraments of the sick, are also interpreted as well as funeral Masses and preparation for RCIA. Two skilled and qualified interpreters handle these duties.

One interpreter is also a Minister of Holy Communion and serves regularly at the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass. And, as a Minister to the Sick, serves Deaf parishioners in the hospital, home and other facilities.

The Deaf Ministry also originated Signing for Children:
Classes, scheduled after Faith Formation classes on Sunday, are available for children in our parish who have expressed a desire to learn Sign Language. Children ranging from grades one through twelve actively participate. The children recognize the importance of ministering to the hearing impaired in our Catholic community, and are in varying stages of being prepared to step up to this task. Opportunity is provided during Mass for the children to participate by signing the simple prayers they learn in class and by preparing them to sign hymns for special occasions.

Interested in volunteering for the Signing for Children Ministry? If you are in grades one through twelve, you are welcome and encouraged to join the training classes held immediately after our Religious Education classes on Sunday. This is a “silent skill” you will use for the rest of your life; a skill you will never regret learning.

Note: If you are an adult and know Sign Language, you are encouraged to get involved with our training program.

Essential Tremors Support Group Ministry

Meets on Third Wednesday of the month at 2:00 PM in Rooms 1, 2 & 3 of the Ministry Building. This is a support group for individuals with Essential Tremors offering a place to share with others who have this disease. Learn new methods of coping; medications, helpful hints, support and understanding for you and your caregiver. We encourage you to join this support group.

Garden Club

St. Timothy's Garden Club began over 5 years ago as a small group of dedicated parishioners, men and women, who love to Garden. We usually start to prepare and trim the Gardens in September and start planting the different flower beds in the fall through the Month of May. During the season, we meet on the second Tuesday of the Month, at 9:00 AM to make our plans for the coming season. The Prayer Garden is a special peaceful place for everyone to come and sit and reflect on the colors of beautiful flowering plants and shrubs. If you are able to garden and would love to be part of the St. Timothy's Garden Club, please come and join us. We always welcome special "Garden Angels".

Gift Shop

The Gift Shop is truly an asset to our community. If you haven’t stopped by to visit this wonderful gift shop, you will be pleasantly surprised at the plethora of beautiful treasures such as; crucifixes, jewelry, rosaries, plaques, figurines, books, missals, Bibles, items to celebrate special days of the year, and much more. This truly is the best kept secret in town. If you need a gift for Communion, Confirmation or for a Baptism, you will definitely find it in our gift shop. Come discover the treasure you can’t live without.

Karing Krafters

If you like to knit, crochet, sew, or craft, join Karing Krafters every Tuesday at 9:00 in the parish hall. We provide supplies and instructions for our many projects. There are no fees or dues and some members even work from home. This past year we made walker bags, clothing protectors, lap robes, fidget blankets, and shawls for our home bound or senior community members. We provided hats, scarves, and mittens for school age children and made many baby items including Christening blankets. Karing Krafters also donated Christmas stockings and ditty bags for our overseas military. Our projects are too numerous to write about, but in 2023 we donated 3,560 items to various community organizations. We like to say, “We are small but mighty.” Stop in and see what we are all about or contact us if you have a special need for a loved one.

Hospitality ("Coffee &")

The Hospitality “Coffee &” Ministry is for all parishioners, and is designed to encourage parishioners to come together to meet one another and socialize. While you are visiting with your fellow parishioners, we are happy to serve you coffee, tea, bakery items of all kinds and bagels with cream cheese and jams. You have this opportunity every Sunday after the 7:00 AM and the 9:00 AM Mass (unless otherwise noted in the bulletin).

National Alliance of Mental Illness

National Alliance for Mental Health

This is a support group meeting once per month, on the second Monday of each month.

The attendees are typically family members and/or caregivers of individuals living with a mental illness. The members share their experiences, knowledge, and frustrations. The result is help with problems and support in difficult times. The group is open to new members and welcomes people to come to share or just listen to others. There is no fee to attend. Note: This group is NOT for those who actually live with a mental illness; the consumer should contact Lifestream Behavioral Health to find a group that they might attend.

Rosary Makers

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Welcome Committee

The Welcome Committee without a doubt has fun doing what they do. Periodically during the year, we have a “Potluck” supper for parishioners in the Ministry Building Hall. This is truly a wonderful casual small setting where new parishioners meet existing parishioners, giving both an opportunity to mingle and establish new friendships. It is also a great time to share with the new parishioners all the opportunities St. Timothy has to offer in the form of ministry. Each new parishioner is welcome to the Potluck supper. We can’t stress enough, this dinner is for new and existing parishioners and if meeting new people isn’t enough of an incentive to draw you in; the fantastic meal will!

St. Timothy Women's Guild

The St Timothy Catholic Community Women's Guild is focused on fostering friendship, spiritual growth and community service through various activities like fundraising and social gatherings. The purpose of the Guild is to enhance the spiritual well-being and social pleasure of its members and support the financial needs of St Timothy Catholic Community, as well as selected charities. We meet the first Tuesday of each month (Sept - May) at 12:30 in the Parish Hall. Each meeting has a theme and generally consists of refreshments or luncheons with fun activities and/or entertainment. Our meetings are advertised a few weeks in advance of each meeting in the church bulletin and on the projection screen. For an overview of our schedule, please see below. The fee is $10 annually to join. For more information, please inquire at the Parish office

  • Women's Guild Schedule

    Mar 4th: Mardi Gras with Paczki Donuts, hula dancers and mask contest.

    April 1st: Baby Shower with cupcakes & ice cream, and bingo.

    May 6th: Celebration of Women with crowning of Mary and luncheon catered by Little Joey's (cost $20)

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